Tobias Bradford, Detachment (2020)

In his practice Tobias Bradford experiments with sculptural installation, incorporating mechanical engineering, robotics, illusionism, and puppetry. 

Detachment (2020) consists of a leg moulded in polyurethane foam, animated with an motor, causing it to randomly move around the floor.

Bradford’s work explores the relationship between technology and physicality. Detachment  causes the viewer to experience a sense of discomfort, that which can be described by the term “Das Unheimliche,” as coined by Ernst Jentsch — something eerie, with elements of the familiar and that which we cannot describe. The work is accompanied by a drumming sound, reminiscent of a ritual dance.

Tobias Bradford is received his artistic foundation training at Örebro Art College and Goldsmiths University, London. In 2019 He commenced a Master of Fine Arts at the Royal Art Institute of Stockholm and is currently based between Stockholm and London.

Video documentation of Detachment (2020) by Tobias Bradford.

Detachment (2020) by Tobias Bradford, leg moulded in polyurethane foam, animated with an motor.

Detachment (2020) by Tobias Bradford, leg moulded in polyurethane foam, animated with an motor.


Anna-Karin Rasmusson, The Care


Nina Colosi, “Of poets, human and robot” in CENTERPOINT NOW “Are we there yet?”