Rosalyn Deutsch Evictions: Art and Spatial Politics (Graham Foundation / MIT Press Series in Contemporary Architectural Discourse)

Rosalyn Deutsch writes in Evictions: Art and Spatial Politics on how we can see art in the public domain as harmonise in relation to its surroundings, or interuptive. The concept of harmonise and interruptive can clarify how we get involved by emotions when we interact with art in public space.

The content is described by the publisher MIT:

“Combining critical aesthetic theory about the social production of art with critical urban theory about the social production of space, Deutsche exposes this unspoken agenda. She then responds to a new alliance of prominent urban and cultural scholars who use critical spatial theory to protect traditional left political projects against the challenges posed by new radical cultural practices. In her critique, Deutsche mobilizes feminist and postmodern ideas about the politics of visual representation and subjectivity. She also intervenes in debates taking place in art, architecture, and urban studies about the meaning of public space, and places these struggles within broader contests over the definition of democracy.”

Rosalyn Deutsche
Term Professor at Barnard
Modern and Contemporary Art; Feminist Theory; Urban Theory
Ph.D., Graduate Center, City University of New York


The Emotional (Det emosjonelle) by Marti Manen and Momentum10 - The Emotional Exhibition 2019


Sorgearbete/Work of Mourning (2020) by Nadine Byrne